Injury Reporting & Risk Management


Concussions are an important and increasing area of concern in our sport (and many others).  In addition to the frequency of occurrance, other areas of concern include delayed or under-reporting of concussions and of players returning to activity too soon after a head injury.  It is important that all concussions (even those that are only remotely suspected) be reported using the on-line Sport Injury Report Form.   

ORA has provided access to the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool on their Concussion Resources page which can be helpful if a concussion has occurred or is suspected. Coaches and parents should familiarize themselves with this important too.

Injury Reporting

Part of the mandate of Membership Services is the tracking of injuries occuring as a result of participation in our sport.  Obviously, this mandate is difficult to fulfil without timely, complete and accurate reporting of any occurrences.  All Coaches and Parents are asked to ensuer that an on-line Sport Injury Report Form is submitted for all injuries which occur during games, practices or other team activities.

An additional important reason for timely reporting of any injuries is insurance coverage.  ORA and Ringette Canada insurance provides some coverage which is applicable after the player/parents coverage from other sources (such as employment benefits) is exhausted.  Timely reporting is a requirement and any claim which has not met the reporting timelines will not be considered.
  • The Sport Injury Report Form must be submitted to the ORA office within 2 days of the occurrence.  It is also recommended that a copy (print out) of this form be provided to the player's association and, if at a tournament, the tournament organizers.
  • The more detailed Athletic Claim Report must be submitted within 15 days of the injury if an insurance claim is to be made against the ORA coverage.

Risk Management & Emergency Response

ORA requires that all facilities used for Ringette be audited for condition and risks at least annually.  These audits are normally performed by the association using a facility for practices or games, and by tournament hosts.  Facility audits are recorded on the Risk Management & Safety Audit Form and should be submitted to Membership Services, normally at the same time as other registration paperwork in November.

ORA insurance covers Ringette activities at arenas normally used for Ringette.  Many teams make use of other facilities such as rented gymnasiums or multi-purpose rooms. In some cases, the owners of such facilities may require that they and the facility are named on the insurance coverage of groups using renting the facility.  A venue can be added to the ORA insurance by contacting the Additional Insurance Request Form on the ORA web site well in advance of the event. This form should be submitted via your association's executive.

Membership Services is in the process of developing a requirement for all teams to have an Emergency Response Plan.  Information on this will be added later when available.

Shoulder Pads

Per Ringette Canada, the use of shoulder pads is optional but strongly recommended for all age groups.  Players should also check with Ringette Ontario and the NCRRL/LERQ/GAARA (as applicable) for any additional requirement.